“Three Way Secret”
Director: Ainsley Kugel
Writer: Ainsley Kugel
Editor: Ainsley Kugel
Cinematographer: Ainsley Kugel
Actors: Julia Fabian, Savar Stocker, Kate Campbell, Niclas Fabian, Kate Rodriguez, Ainsley Kugel
Background: I wanted to make a short film featuring a friend group that had to work out an issue. This was a project for my Independent Learning Experience course.

“On the Ice”
Director: Ainsley Kugel
Writer: Ainsley Kugel
Editor: Ainsley Kugel
Cinematographer: Ainsley Kugel
Actors: Julia Fabian, Ainsley Kugel, Christian Kugel
Background: I was inspired to make a film about ice skating because I’ve always loved the sport.

“I’m Feeling Great“
Director: Ainsley Kugel
Writer: Ainsley Kugel
Editor: Ainsley Kugel
Cinematographer: Ainsley Kugel
Actors: Jocey Kessler, Tierney Kugel, Ainsley Kugel
Background: I wanted to make a short horror film.

“Atlantis Dubai Commercial”
Editor: Ainsley Kugel
Background: This was a project in my film editing course. The objective was to use stock footage to make a commercial for the Atlantis Resort in Dubai.